Knowing you have fresh breath is a great feeling and can considerably boost self-esteem and self-confidence. Ensure your breath remains fresh and that you are pleasant to be near with our easy tips.
Brush and Floss More Frequently
Plaque bacteria build up over tooth surfaces and can soon smell bad. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing once-a-day is a simple way to remove these bacteria, freshening your breath and reducing the risk of dental disease.
Use Mouthwash
Mouthwash is a nice way to freshen your breath further but choose with care. Opt for a brand that is alcohol-free and which contains helpful ingredients like fluoride and an antibacterial agent.
Clean Your Tongue
Your tongue can trap nasty smelling bacteria, old food particles and dead skin cells. Brush it gently with your toothbrush or buy a proper tongue scraper.
Avoid Foods Known to Cause Bad Breath
The biggest offenders are onions and garlic, but brushing and flossing afterwards won’t eliminate your bad breath. This is because once ingested, products from these foods enter your bloodstream and are eventually breathed out through your lungs. It can take up to 3 days for this to happen and during this time you just need to be patient. The best solution is to avoid these foods or to make sure loved ones and friends share them too.
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