Many people look forward to their first cup of coffee in the morning or rely on an afternoon hit of caffeine to keep them going. If you love a cup of coffee, no matter when you drink it, it can stain your smile. The same applies if you like a cup of tea or enjoy other highly coloured beverages. However, if you can’t bear the thought of giving up your coffee, there are some things you can do to help slow down the rate of staining.
- Think about sipping your coffee through a straw. Nowadays, it’s easy to buy reusable straws that you can keep with you wherever you are.
- Purchase a good quality whitening toothpaste to help reduce tooth stains. Make sure it is a reputable brand, as some whitening toothpaste can be quite abrasive. Remember that whitening toothpaste can only slightly brighten your smile, so the effect will not be dramatic.
- After drinking your coffee, rinse your mouth with plain water, swishing it around thoroughly to help remove any leftover coffee from your teeth.
- Try brushing your teeth after having your cup of coffee to help remove surface stains. Keep a small tube of toothpaste and travel toothbrush with you to freshen up while out and about.
How We Can Help You Maintain a Beautiful White Smile
These measures will help to slow down the rate of staining, but if you continue to drink coffee, then it is inevitable that your teeth will eventually become discoloured. One way you can slow down the rate of staining even further is by making sure you book regular hygiene appointments with us.
We recommend patients have their teeth professionally cleaned every six months or sometimes more frequently if they have ongoing dental or health problems. The whole point of having your teeth cleaned professionally is to protect your dental health and reduce your risk of gum disease and tooth decay, but these appointments are also a great way to freshen up your smile. After we have professionally cleaned your teeth, we carefully polish them, and this part of the treatment helps to remove some surface stains. Afterwards, you should notice that your teeth look slightly brighter and have a bit more sparkle to them.
Alternatively, if you want a more substantial improvement to your tooth colour, talk to us about professional teeth whitening treatments. These are the best way to brighten your smile quickly and safely and are affordable. You can choose to whiten your teeth in our dental practice, and in as little as an hour, your teeth will be several shades whiter.
We can provide a custom whitening kit if you prefer to whiten more slowly and have more control over the process. You use the kit as directed, and your teeth will be considerably whiter in two weeks or so. One advantage of having a home whitening kit is that you can almost certainly reuse it later on, as we can prescribe more whitening gel when you need to top up the results. Some people choose to have an in-chair whitening treatment first before continuing to whiten their teeth at home, using a custom kit for an optimal treatment outcome. We can discuss all possible options with you during your consultation.
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