Over-the-counter and prescription medications can affect your oral health, and one common side-effect is dry mouth, a condition called xerostomia. With xerostomia, you produce less saliva, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Saliva is an essential protective fluid that helps rinse away excess bacteria and food debris, and it helps your mouth maintain a more neutral pH level.
If you are affected by dry mouth, we can provide a prescription for a saliva substitute and talk about managing this condition. We may also suggest more frequent checkups and cleanings to help protect your dental health. It may also be worth discussing the problem with your GP to see if they can prescribe anything different, but you should never stop taking prescription medicines without consulting them first.
Oral thrush is a fungal infection that can affect people who use inhalers. If you use an inhaler, try to rinse your mouth afterwards to prevent this kind of infection. Cancer treatments, especially for the head and neck, can affect your saliva glands or have other side effects. If you need this treatment, make sure you see your dentist first. We can ensure your mouth is healthy and can liaise with your medical doctors to help you maintain optimal dental health.
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