Why Have Regular Examinations?
Dental research suggests regular six monthly examinations should be performed for your dental health. Depending on your dental and medical health we may recommend more frequent appointments.
Dental research suggests regular six monthly examinations should be performed for your dental health. Depending on your dental and medical health we may recommend more frequent appointments.
What Will Happen During a Regular Dental Examination?
Our dentists will thoroughly examine your mouth to check the health of your teeth and gums. Our dentists will also closely examine your oral tissues, including your tongue, cheeks and lips for any signs of lesions, lumps or changes in texture or colour. We will need to know about any medications or medical conditions as these could affect your dental health or any recommended treatments. Digital dental x-rays are taken periodically as these provide a more complete view of your mouth, including areas just below your gums, around the roots of teeth or in between your teeth. Digital x-rays are taken regularly to assess the teeth and surrounding tissues and help us assess decay and gum disease. The OPG helps us further to diagnose lesions around the roots and bone structure.
Will I Receive any Treatment During a Regular Examination?
We will professionally scale and polish your teeth as this removes hardened plaque which could otherwise cause disease, while gently polishing the teeth removes some surface stains. We will discuss our findings with you and if necessary can provide a written treatment plan detailing any work recommended.
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