Every March the world celebrates Oral Health Day and this March it falls on the 20th. We think it’s an excellent opportunity for all of our lovely patients to think about their oral health for a moment and to consider if it could be improved. During this month, our dental team here at One Smile have all pledged to inspire our patients to take the best possible care of their oral health, although this is something we strive to do year-round!
Why is Good Dental Health Important?
Every day your mouth must do amazing things, letting you bite and chew a variety of foods comfortably, allowing you to talk and smile with others, hopefully with the confidence of knowing your teeth look their best. Unfortunately, many people do not enjoy good oral health and have problems like gum disease and tooth decay which can be easily avoided with the proper oral care. Having excellent oral health also protects your overall health, reducing your risk of developing serious health problems that include diabetes and heart disease.
We’d like to encourage you to book your dental checkup and hygiene appointment with us here at One Smile, whether you need to visit us this month or later in the year. Our caring dental team can help you manage your oral health effectively so you can maintain a healthy smile more easily year-round.
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